Armadillos are
Omnivorous Feeders

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   Armadillos live on a variety of food; insects and other invertibrates, plants, and armadillo.jpg (9935 bytes)small vertebrates such as snakes and lizards. Giant armadillos have been reported to have been reported to have dug into new graves to eat the dead bodies. Naked-tailed armadillos feed mainly on ants and termites, cutting open their runs with their sickle-like claws and extracting the insects with their long, extensible tongues.

Hairy armadillos burrow under and sometimes into bodies to get at maggots and will also dig into soft soil for grubs and insects in a most unusual manner. They force their head into the ground, then twist the body round to make a conical hole. These armadillos have been seen killing snakes by cutting them with the hard edges of the armor.



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